Mission Statement

Millions of people spend their lives with chronic conditions such as chronic back pain, pelvic pain, fibromyalgia, migraines, gastrointestinal problems, anxiety disorders and other chronic symptoms. They invest their time, money and energy searching for a cure. Such symptoms can happen to anyone but you don’t have to live with them anymore. What if I told you, there was another way. A way where you uncover your own innate healing capabilities.

My goal is to teach you mind-body tools to free yourself of a life of chronic ailments. Come learn my process to becoming pain free. Through our TMS Recovery Coaching and Somatic Experiencing Sessions, we will re-frame negative thinking and beliefs, retrain your neural pathways and strengthen your knowledge of TMS principles. 

Together we will embark on a journey that will forever change how you think and feel about your body, mind and spirit. This transformative process will not only help you live a life free of chronic symptoms but also empower you in all areas of your life. All this will happen as you develop self-love, self-compassion and self-worth. You truly have the power to heal yourself. The answer lies within.

My goal is to teach as many people as I can, the tools that I used, to get better and let them know that they have the power to heal themselves.