Dancing Angel

Sometimes it is hard to accept that another human being would do just about anything for you. They show up like angels in your life just at the right time. In 2015, when I first developed chronic pelvic pain, I had so much hope for recovery. I went on a quest to find a diagnosis and treatment plan. I had faith in the medical professionals to help me and faith in myself to figure it out. After 2 years of countless tests, various medications, multiple procedures and dead ends, I felt completely hopeless. Fortunately, God brought an angel into my life. 

On July 17, 2017, I made an appointment with a hypnotherapist, Caitlin Peterson, as a last ditch effort to recover. I remember walking into Caitlin’s office.  The sun was shining on her face and her bright red hair glistened.  She was confident yet empathetic. I am sure she knew she had her work cut out for her when she got to hear my story. I was not only in chronic pain but suicidal and addicted to pain medications. Due to my pain I could not wear jeans, so I would come in every week in my baggy sweatpants with a sunken look on my face. My head hung down and I was completely hopeless.

One morning, I got there earlier than her. She had to walk down a long hallway in order to get to her office. As I was sitting in the hallway in front of her door, I saw someone peek their head around the corner then jump back. All of a sudden, I heard dance music playing. As I looked up, I saw this woman dancing down this long hallway. I really did not know what the hell was going on. Why was she dancing down this hallway? After the dance, I did not say much and we both just walked into her office and sat down and talked but I was thinking who is this woman. I was so confused.

Well as the weeks went by, there was more dancing. Every week she peeked around the corner and danced down the hall. I would pretend not to look most weeks and would smile a little bit but I am not sure if she even noticed. I started to get there early, just to make sure I was there to see her dance that day. This went on for over a year. Even though I did not show it, I was most appreciative of this act of kindness. It was the only time in my whole day that I actually smiled. I have never felt like a priority in anyone's life before. Why would someone put so much effort into me? I was in bad shape and she never gave up on me.  Talk about going above and beyond! 

I really wanted to pay her back. I knew her birthday was coming up so I decided to do a dance for her. I practiced for 3 months; learning this dance. I am a terrible dancer and my memory was impaired from all of the medications, so it took me a really long time.  So for her birthday that year, I danced down the hallway and have done it every year since and will continue to do it. You really can’t put a price on this. How do you repay someone that gave you your life back?  Well, the only way I can do this, is live my life to the fullest…..and……dance!


I am still me!


A Moment in Time