About Me

My name is Laura Haraka and I am a proud mother of two daughters. After teaching high school math, I became a stay at home mom for the last 18 years. In 2015, my life was turned upside down when I was suddenly stricken with a chronic pain condition.  After three years of searching for a medical diagnosis with no avail, I discovered the world of mind-body medicine.  Through my mind body work, I have found personal growth as well as physical and emotional healing. 

Today, I live my life grateful for all the blessings I have and for the medical professionals that have helped me through a difficult time in my life.  Mindfulness is now a part of my daily routine along with physical activity and a spiritual practice. My goal is to share my story with as many people as possible to help them find hope and joy throughout their healing journey. 

Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know.
— Pema Chodran

I am a Chronic Pain Practitioner and Mind-Body Coach, Certified Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, YogaBody Breath Coach and Breathwork Facilitator. I have also completed the Dr. Schubiner’s Freedom from Chronic Pain Practitioner Training Course. I have also undergone the Mindful schools courses: Mindful Fundamentals and Mindful Educator Essentials. I am also a certified educational administrator and mathematics teacher.